We Are GTO

Green teeth organization is a training and educational foundation located in Erbil/IRAQ

Who are we?

Green teeth organization© is a training and educational foundation located in Erbil/IRAQ . we aim to give opportunities to those who aren't able to practice implants, or didn’t have the chance to improve their abilities in any dental specialization. Through our courses, we provide critical knowledge and skills which would ultimately translate into confident practicing & surgery.

Our Mission

The GTO has a strong clinical focus and is especially designed to enhance professional learning among dental practitioners and recently graduated dentists. Our courses aim to teach the fundamentals of any specialization in Dentistry ( especially Implantology), UNDERSTAND the treatment procedures and protocols, and APPLY the competences gained through interactive peer and case based learning.

Our Vision

Green Teeth Organization future perspective is to bring the existing knowledge from the field of Dentistry to the required areas and to keep this information constantly updated . We are Looking forward to build a social network    in which the dental professionals can share their knowledge and experiences within the field of Dentistry and dental implantology.


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